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At the heart of the Christian message is a compassion for those less fortunate in life and a compulsion to reach out and help those in need.
Life can be very harsh and brutal for those who for whatever reason get themselves into the downward spiral of addictive behaviour, depression and poverty. The problems in our society can seem overwhelming at times and its easy to convince ourselves that we cannot make a difference. But we can, and we must find a way to respond in some way. Every act of kindness towards another person no matter how small it seems, is extremely important to God because it reveals his deep love for them.
We believe that Jesus is the answer to every human problem but that answer has to be delivered through the practical actions of his church. The good news about Jesus is best given accompanied by a hot meal!
We have a committed team of people who run a ministry for the homeless called 'Cafe Hope' every Friday night in Ilford from 8pm to 10.30pm. The Bridge team is partnered with a local church there, and together they provide hot meals, clothing and support for 30-40 guests each week.
We get the opportunity to show Gods love to them, pray for them and share the great news that Jesus loves them.
This ministry is headed up by Vic and Ruby - For more details, or if you want to get involved please contact the Bridge Office on 0208 505 5001.

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