New to church, Christianity or faith?
Whether you consider yourself a Christian or not, and no matter how you found yourself on this page today, we are glad you did and have some great news for you….
The life transforming message of the gospel can be best summed up in one verse of the Bible:-
For God SO LOVED the world that he GAVE his one and only Son, that
whoever BELIEVES in him shall not perish but RECEIVE eternal life. (Jn 3:16)
This one verse tells us four remarkable truths about how simple it is to know God:-

God didn’t just love us, he SO loved us. So much so in fact, that he was compelled to act on our behalf. What did he do? He paid the price for all our wrongdoing, shortcomings and failings by putting them to death in himself on the cross.
What is the highest gift you can give anyone? Perhaps you would give up your life for someone very special to you? Well Jesus gave himself up for the whole world because each person in it is that special to him.
Here’s the simple key!! All we need to do is to believe by faith that God loves us and has taken away our sin by his sacrifice on the cross. In believing we also repent, which simply means to turn away from our selfish life and start living for God.
No religiousness, and no more trying to earn Gods approval. This gift of abundant life is ours the moment we make that faith decision and with it we receive the assurance of his peace and presence and a promise of his power to live in a radically different way.
So there it is in a nutshell.
The good news of the gospel is in essence very simple and very accessible.
So what about you?
If you would like to find out more about knowing Jesus for yourself please contact us at The Bridge on 0208 505 5001 and ask for one of the leaders, or please do drop us an email to office@thebridgechurch.org.uk. Alternatively, why not come and meet us on Sunday mornings at Woodbridge High School